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RICK PERRY vs. MITT ROMNEY is main event at Reagan debate –

September 7, 2011

Perry vs. Romney is main event at Reagan debate

By James Oliphant

Washington Bureau

September 7, 2011, 1:50 p.m.

In the two debates preceding Wednesday night’s dust-up in Simi Valley, Mitt Romney had the luxury of being the man above the fray. While rivals such as Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty tore at each other, Romney stayed cool, removed. He didn’t break a sweat.

That could change in a big way at the Reagan Library.

Romney is no longer the favorite—and can no longer approach his candidacy like a long-distance runner. Rick Perry’s surge has forced the former Massachusetts governor to recalibrate his approach in multiple ways. Recently, he’s begun to court “tea-party” affiliated voters after seemingly ignoring them. And he’s been more aggressive, coming out this week with a detailed job-creation plan to counter the president’s proposals.

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One Comment
  1. Kenneth Chemin permalink
    September 8, 2011 11:11 AM

    Rick Perry is the hope of america. He can win aganist obame, an do to the USA what he has don in Texas.

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